Friday, October 24, 2008

Classroom Updates

I would like to thank everyone for sending in their homeless walk participation forms. It is appreciated. We will do a food drive for Shepherd's Table for Thanksgiving. All donations are appreciated. I am in the process of setting up a few field trips, one to the Natural History Museum, and the other to the National Cathedral; more information is forthcoming. Also, remember the opera is in November. We are finishing up the term with persuasive writing, greatest common factors, least common multiples, and prime/composite numbers. Next Friday is a half day, and report cards come out in about two weeks. Next month we will be concentrating on more space science, weathering and weather. Also, we will begin preparations for the science fair. Children need to have a testable experiment. I will send home information concerning this matter. If you can practice fractions (all computations) with your child, that would be appreciated. Also, area (length X width) and perimeter (side plus side plus side) can be reviewed as well. Thanks again for all your support. Mr. King

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